Here I Go Again

Someone once said the past always catches up with you, however fast you run and try to evade it. I don’t know much about it. Why do I keep coming back to this place then? I was created here – I’m more than flesh and blood. I’m sand, sea breeze, sweat, music, and sex.

My finger moves and the blast of music from my guitar sends the bodies in the crowd writhing, pulsating, living together as one giant beast. The night has just begun.

How many more of me are going to be created tonight?

Written for the weekly Friday Fictioneers challenge hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. Please click this link to read other stories written for this picture prompt provided by CE Ayr.

16 thoughts on “Here I Go Again”

  1. That’s a fascinating little story. The MC seems to feel that babies are made by music as well as sex! You prompted me to wonder how much of our future is tied up with other people’s pasts.

  2. Pulsating story indeed. The strong whiff of the parallel lives he leads, yet there is something so raw, mysterious and extraordinary about him.

    Excellent narration, Varad.

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